I lost 3lbs this week! The plan worked. I was not as "good" as I could have been food wise, but I was still food smart and I exercised. Not as often as usual, I had a small cold I guess. But when I did I pushed my self to do more then normal. Thus the loss in weight! Now only 97 more lbs!! >.<;; Hey it is a start!
So we lost our dog, he was a huge part of the family. He was a big dog too, so he is noticeably missed. But we have made some changes to our home. New couch, new tv, new layout and that seems to have helped the grieving a lot. (Our dog used to sleep on the couch, even though he was not superposed to.)
My dad has been going in for lots of tests, and he was being quiet as to why. He says it is routine but it sure has been A LOT of tests over the past three months. So we have been worried, and praying a lot. So far most the tests have come back good. Thank God!
Now there is a water leak in our house some where. There is talk about tearing up the floors. EEK! It will cost $900 which we can not really afford. But God will take care of our needs.
Other than that things are a lot better, and getting even better. But with that more confusion. Especially with some minor things. That I rather not discuss right now. I have found peace and clarity though in the situation.